Adsense to ban Made-for-adsense Blogs

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This is bad for the people who have made their blogs only for earning through adsense. Let me explain how.

Some people have complained that their earnings have shown a decline from some time. The clicks for which they were earning a lot have shown a considerable decline in their earnings.

Google thinks that this is a result of the many Made-for-adsense blogs which dont have any activity other than getting clicks on Google Ads.

So, start posting is you have such blogs otherwise Google Adsense will block your publisher account.

Explore Mac Leopard : World's Most Advanced OS

Monday, June 18, 2007

This is for all the people who are waiting to take a glimpse of the 'about to launch' Mac Leopard OS. This is expected to be the world's most advanced OS.

So, just take a tour of the beautifully simple and simply beautiful Leopard OS X 10.5

Mac OS X Leopard Tour

Turn Windows XP into Mac OS Tiger

If you are using XP and now have fell in love with Mac, then this is the best option for you. If you have already purchased your XP and then want to turn your PC into Mac, then install this tranformation package and make your vista into Mac.

This is a carbon copy of Mac OS Tiger but the disadvantage of this is that you cant do fast switching between your different OS on your PC.

So, download it and start using Mac for free without Mac book.

Download Mac Transformation Package

Can computers be made this much beautiful?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Check out the new phones of the Nseries of Nokia on this blog. After N95, its the turn of N76 which is also a very good phone.

Its a 3G music phone which is like a music store in your pocket with excellent music quality and very sleek and smart design. I think is the slimmest phone from Nokia till now!

Its a flap phone which is also a plus point because the phones of Nokia are rarely flap phones. So, people who wouldn't like to leave Nokia and still use a flap phone must go and buy this immediately.

The features of this phone are:
3G Technology
One touch music with dedicated music keys
One touch imaging
Expandable memory upto 2GB
Dual Display
Symbian Series 60 Third Edition

Discover the N76 experience by watching this Video

adMAD : Get MAD for ADS on mobile

Monday, June 04, 2007

Go MAD on your mobile with adMAD. This is not a new concept. mGinger has already introduced this concept but adMAD pays you a lot more than mGinger. So, what difference does it makes to us. We just need money which this adMAD provides us.

Now, lets take a closer look at the payment which adMAD does to us. You get to earn for 5 levels.


  1. Get 20 paise for each SMS you recieve.
  2. Get 15 paise for each SMS your friends recieve.
  3. Get 10 paise for each SMS their friends recieve.
  4. Get 5 paise for each SMS their friends recieve.
  5. Get 1 paisa for each SMS their friends recieve.

So, just sign up through this adMAD and start earning.

Click here to sign up

Students like my voice : Mosquito

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Amazed by the above statement? The mosquito ringtone is the latest thing that all the school and college students are using to save them from getting screwed up if their phone rings in the class room.

The mosquito ringtone is a very high pitched sound that can be heard only by person below 25 years of age. Since, the teachers cannot hear this high piched sound, the students can receive messages on their phone in class.

Moreover, the teachers doesnt get to know whose phone is ringing as their ears are not sensitive to such high pitched sound.

So, if the students who are reading this post are interested in hearing the sound of mosquito, and setting it as a ringtone, then download the mosquito ringtone from the link given below.

Mosquito Ringtone

Source : Digital Inspiration

Block a website in your PC

Friday, June 01, 2007

Need to block a parental control over your computer? Well, you dont need to download a website blocker for your PC.

You can do it by an inbuilt function in your Windows. Lets see how to block a website in few steps.

1. Browse to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
2. Now, open hosts in Notepad.
3. After, press enter and write this: localhost

4. Now, save the file.
5. Reboot your PC.
Now try opening the blocked website. It will not open.